European Commission/Horizon Europe Upcoming Proposal Deadlines: Health Pillar and ERC Synergy Grants

Dear Research Administrators,

Horizon Europe (2021-2027) is the current framework of the European Commission. Please see two funding opportunities listed below with fall 2023 deadlines.

Health Pillar (HORIZON-HLTH)

The Health Pillar goals include improving and protecting the health and well-being of citizens of all ages by generating new knowledge, developing innovative solutions, and integrating where relevant a gender perspective to prevent, diagnose, monitor, treat and cure diseases. Funds for this Pillar total €5.3 billion, covering 2021 – 2027. Active Health Pillar funding opportunities are found here. Please note that all European Commission proposals require submission through Harvard Global.

The due date for Health Pillar proposals is September 19, 2023 at 17:00 Brussels time (important note: proposals are due on September 11, 2023 for School-level and Harvard Global review). Specific information about this Pillar is found in the Horizon Europe Health Work Programme 2023 – 2024. If your faculty are interested in applying as part of an EU-based collaboration, please reach out to Peggy Darnowsky  or Lia Tjahjana at Harvard Global as soon as possible.

ERC Synergy Grants (ERC-2024-SyG)

The European Research Council (ERC), under the European Commission, provides funding to excellent investigators and their research teams to pursue ground-breaking and ambitious research. Research funded by the ERC is expected to lead to advances at the frontiers of knowledge and to set a clear and inspirational target for frontier research across Europe. The European Commission set aside €16B for ERC awards under Horizon Europe (2021-2027). Each Synergy Grant can be up to a maximum of €10M for a period of 6 years.  Please note that all European Commission proposals require submission through Harvard Global.

ERC released its Work Programme for Synergy Grants 2024, due on November 8, 2023 at 17:00 Brussels time (due on October 31, 2023 for School-level and Harvard Global review). Synergy Grants are the only ERC funding mechanism which allows for one of the PIs to be based at a US host institution. ERC Synergy Principal Investigators that are based in the US are required to devote at least 30% effort (including summer months, total working time) to the project. Information for applicants can be found here. If your faculty are interested in applying as part of an EU-based group of PIs, please reach out to Peggy Darnowsky  or Lia Tjahjana at Harvard Global as soon as possible.