Upcoming Training Opportunity

Dear Research Administrators,

We wanted to take a moment to remind you about an upcoming training opportunity. Please see below for details and how to register.

NCURA Webinar: Foreign Influence Requirements Roundup: Agency by Agency Current Expectations Plus a Sneak Peek at What We Think is Coming (University-Wide)

Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2020, 2:00pm to 3:30pm

Location: Virtual Live Web Conference

Description: With the wealth of information constantly coming out (or being promulgated) related to foreign influence issues, concerns – and requirements that agencies need to impose to address those concerns – it can be hard to keep up with what research administrators need to comply with. This webinar will be a pragmatic snapshot of the national picture, what requirements exist TODAY from various federal agencies related to foreign influence and related national security issues, and what is most likely (but no promises!) heading our way in the coming months. Some research administrators already deeply embedded in foreign influence issues may not learn anything new; for the rest of us, this will allow an opportunity to “catch up” or confirm the current interpretation of the guidance as well as having an idea of what requirements or legislation may be bubbling up in this space in the coming months.

Speakers: Jim Luther, Associate Vice President Finance & Compliance Officer, Duke University; Pamela Webb, Associate Vice President for Research, University of Minnesota

Registration: Please register for this session through the Harvard Training Portal